Monday, April 18, 2011

More famous tweets from history


gunfight OK Corral Pls bring shotgun 4 me


cough cough OK Corral be there with bells on
cough cough


Eisenhower says go to Bastonge  Why do I always have to bail him out?


I HATE the desert You know how hard it is to find apple strudel in Africa?


oops I guess that was a bridge too far


Patton what an ass thinks I needed him to save 101 NOT!


China? I hate Chinese food tell FDR Japan is navy's problem


 Bomb Perl Harbor day of infamamy tell Nimitz to get his act together


If Custer doesn't shut up, I m going to send him to Montana


new pistol design theyll be using this for 100 years must ask army for more money


Watson pls come here

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