Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The 'Super Terrorist" and Why We Had to Kill Him...

A lot of people are spouting a lot of nationalist BS and rejoicing at the murder of yet another figurehead in the war on terror.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden was state sanctioned murder. Nothing more, nothing less. We need to realize this, before we murder anyone else.

There was no way that Bin Laden could have ever gotten due process if he had been captured. He would have been locked up in Gitmo for the rest of his life and tortured, ad hoc, for years to come because we think he has information about things he couldn't possibly be privy to.

If the president thinks he has the right to order the assassination of an American citizen without benefit of due process, what could Bin Laden expect? We can't 'risk' bringing any one in Gitmo to justice. We don't even try to protect the prisoners' civil rights. Do you think we would have given Bin Laden any more due process than we give the other men in Gitmo? We won't give Bradly Manning due process and he is an American who has not been convicted of  anything.

Trying Bin Laden, if we could manage to find someplace that didn't mind having a terrorist tried in their jurisdiction, would have raised a lot of questions. Questions that no one wants answered. It would have challenged the government's version of  the 9/11 attacks. They would have had to face an entirely new threat - the truth. No one, particularly the government, wants the story to change. And what the people think is completely irrelevant, except as it relates to how many back scatter x-ray machines we can buy; shoes that had to taken off in airports; civil liberties that can and are being infringed upon; billions of dollars of deficit financing that goes to the military-industrial complex; the creation of  a surveillance state; the expansion of the powers of civil law enforcement;  the expansion of American hegemony etc etc. etc.

And let us not forget the imbeciles that work for the TSA who otherwise would have had a hard time finding and keeping a job in fast food.

Bin Laden was the person who made all of these things possible. He is the source of all this. He spooked the herd and caused a stampeded. He was the focus of our hatred. We have a concrete view of who and what he was and we are not particularly interested in changing that. He was the incarnation of pure evil. So, what would have happened if he called our beliefs into question? Challenged our views on what happened on 9/11? And what would have happened if he were to be brought to trial and shown to be a guy who hangs out in a cave, smoking opium? We couldn't have that, so we murdered him. Then we went about waving flags in some kind of bizarre nationalistic pride.

We have so much invested in the myth of Bin Laden, that we couldn't see him as anything but evil incarnate,the monster lying under bed of democracy and our republic, that we couldn't have let him live.

As a people we love the myth that we, as country, are invincible and seek to perpetuate that belief at any cost.

We think Bin Lade was so invincible that we sent an army to kill one man and it still took us ten years to find him. Ten years. Either Bin Laden is really, really, really clever or our military isn't very good at what they do.

We, the American people, elected Bush and Obama and choose to give them the power of life and death without any accountability. And we made two really bad decisions. And in the last ten years, thousands of people have been murdered all over the world as result of those bad decisions. People disagreed with us and choose to assert their right to live as they wanted to. So, like Bin Laden, we killed them. And we think we are the 'good guys'? We are as barbaric as Bin Laden, supposedly, was. If Bin  Laden was responsible for 9/11, he killed about  3,000 people. We have killed hundreds of thousands of people in the middle east in an attempt to force them to live as we do.

Killing people is not a good thing. Unless you work for the government.

Wait a minute, isn't that what Bin Laden did? Yep.

The most significant part of all this is that we didn't need to kill Bin Laden just so we could hang his head on the wall in the White House. The man hadn't done
anything in the last ten years. He was completely redundant to Al Qaeda. Now, Al Qaeda carries out small, limited attacks against insignificant targets that have a major political impact. Bin Laden took the long view. Jihadists now are lucky if they can see past their suicide bombs.

There has not, nor will their ever be, another attack like 9/11. Osama Bin Laden may have been the mastermind of criminal act of horrendous proportions. Thing is, the jihadists have realized they can influence the west without any big, grandiose plans. All they have to do is drive a car full of 'explosives' into Times Square and not have it blow up. They don't need to blow up anything. The threat of blowing up something is enough to provoke a frenzy. They can achieve the same, or more, impact by not blowing stuff up as they did when they were blowing stuff up.

We are pissed and affronted by the reality that we don't have the means to protect ourselves from a couple of guys sitting round a campfire in the middle of nowhere, Afghanistan who will sacrifice everything to accomplish what they believe is right and moral. Somebody has to be responsible for two wars, countless thousands of people dead and that somebody was Osama Bin Laden. We invested him with superpowers. Able to reach out and plant a bomb in some idiot's shoes and in another idiot's underwear. Was he really that evil before we vested the idea of him being a 'super-terrorist'?

Bin Laden was portrayed as everything that went wrong since 9/11. He was a scapegoat invented by the US government. According to the government, the man was a menace to society. He killed people. He made videos of himself firing scary looking rifles. If he did mastermind the attacks on 9/11, our terrorist mastermind did it while he was living in a cave. And when his political influence ended about a foot outside of his cave.

The question is: What do we do now?

The reason we went into Afghanistan was to get Bin Laden. Well, we got him. So, what do we do now? Get out of Afghanistan? Tell me when to stop laughing. We will be killing people, or facilitating the killing of people, long after the myth of Osama Bin Laden fades into history. We may stop killing people in Afghanistan - the Soviets did - but I can guarantee you that we will find another country where we think it is in their best interests to bomb them back to the stone age.

War, killing, maiming and deficit financing of the military will go on forever. This is the 'Long war'. Today we're getting our asses handed to us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tomorrow, we will, probably, get our asses handed to us in Libya.

The names will change, but the war will remain the same. And it will go on long after my generation is gone. It will, probably, out live our children - those that don't get killed signing up to kill people for money to go to university.

And, for a lot of people who are so shallow that they think celebrating a man's death is a good idea; that is entirely acceptable.

This is not the America I know and love. Not at all.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Buried at Sea...

Within 24 hours? Now we will never know who they killed.

The conspiracy theory nuts will be going ballistic over this.

The 'War on Terror won't end. The people wrongly incarcerated Gitmo won't be freed. We won't get our civil rights back.

And the minimum wage slaves that transferred to the TSA from Burger King will not go away. Even if this actually is Bin Laden's body.

Then there is the whole thing about invading a sovereign nation to pursue somebody that no one has seen in ten years, except on video tape.

No wonder the Pakistanis are pissed. We killed a guy who was hanging out in the Batcave. A totally redundant man who hasn't done anything in ten years?

What is next, we turn the UAVs we have on the Mexican border loose to strike targets and kill people in Mexico. Another sovereign nation who we don't like...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Predator UAV didn't get Osama Bin Laden

Update: 01MAY11 @ 2320 hrs. 

Obama must have made his speech, because more details are coming out about Bin Laden's death. Allegedly, Osama was croaked by a team of Special Forces in Pakistan, (you know, the Laos of Central Asia that we aren't invading). Obama said that Bin Laden was shot in the head.

Swampland reports: Osama Bin Laden Killed; Obama Hails Moment of "Justice". Swampland? I never heard of it, but, apparently, it's part of Time magazine.

Time magazine led with: Death Comes For the Master Terrorist  (1957 – 2011). Time said that Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Time has what it calls "new" photographs of Bin Laden. They look a lot like the "old" photographs of Bin Laden.

ABC News leads with Osama Bin Laden Operation Months in Making. ABC reported that Obama said Bin Laden's death was a "...major milestone in the war against Al Qaeda" and "...justice for the families of the... ..victims of the September 11 attacks."

Fox News leads with Usama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan. "Special Ops" sounds really tough doesn't it?

The BBC led with Al-Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden Dead - Barack Obama.

If you can read only one of these articles, read the BBC report.

These reports don't say much about Bin Laden's death, other than he was killed by Special Forces. And that Bin Laden's body was being handled so as to not violate any Muslim burial customs. Why are we doing this? We killed him. If they aren't upset that we killed him, how come they would get upset if we didn't follow Muslin burial customs?

News organizations did say we had Bin Laden's body and they are trying to confirm it is really Bin Laden by DNA analysis. See how convincing my last post was? They are doing exactly what I said to do.. 

Where would they get DNA to compare it to? Has Bin Laden's hairbrush been hiding somewhere in the Library of Congress or the National Archives, perhaps right next to Kennedy's brain?

Even George Bush was happy. Although, I will bet he choked on the words.

But, all is not lost. The War on Terror will still go on. The State Department warned all embassies to prepare for possible retaliation from people who are upset by the killing.

So, Raytheon gets to sell the US a bunch more cruise missiles at $1 million dollars apiece. And KBR will still get to build Subway Sandwich and Burger Kings restaurants in Afghanistan.

If Bin Laden was the mastermind of Al Qaeda, how can they attack after he gets killed? Is it possible that Bin Laden is no longer important? That we just killed a guy who has been hiding in a cave for the last ten years? At best, Bin Laden had more use as an icon for the War on Terror.

I am sorry, but I really don't think this will do anything but improve Obama's approval ratings. I would imagine he hopes that voters will remember this when they go to vote for a president in 2012.

It is the only significant event in Obama's presidency since the Affordable Care Act. Kind of ironic that he won the Nobel Peace Prize and he's done nothing but escalate the war in Afghanistan, keep 50,000 troops in Iraq and is trying to start another war in Libya.

Excuse me, but I am not that impressed. I will be impressed when the MIC, the National Security State and Police State all go away. And everyone is released from Gitmo. And we get all the civil rights back that this war has erased.

In other words, this is symbolic, with no real importance

Osama Bin Laden dead?

I am interrupting my stunning piece on people flushing their pills down the toilet in Nashville to bring you this breaking news:

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Or, at least, it seems so.

I checked the websites of the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CNN and Fox News. Each has a really old picture of Osama Bin Laden and about three paragraphs. Fox News did say that it was the CIA that killed him.

I guess Obama is going to make a speech about it, soon. Since I don't have TV, I will have to read about it tomorrow.

This has been a great week in American History. First, Obama released his long form birth certificate. Then a Predator UAV kills Bin Laden. Actually, the repubs wouldn't think it's a great week...

I will believe Bin Laden is dead when they confirm he is dead with DNA. Or, his long form birth certificate. Whichever happens first... LOLOLOLOLOL ROFLMAO.

Excuse my cynicism.

The long term implications, if Osama is dead, for the republicans are serious. Bush couldn't catch or kill Bin Laden in 8 years. Obama gets him in three. The repubs say Obama is soft on terrorism.

If he is soft on terrorism, how did he kill Osama? This should do wonders for Obama's approval rating. But, the question remains - what do the repubs do now?

I am sure Donald Trump with take credit for this, just like he took credit for forcing Obama to release his long form birth certificate.

Wasn't there like a $1 million dollar reward out for Osama? Does the guy in California flying the Predator UAV get to collect the money?

Update, 01MAY11 @ 22:23 hours: CNN has added a long story to their website that does nothing but report on the events of Bin Laden's life. So, I guess it's a slow news day....

Keep your drugs out of the water supply... Don't Flush Your Biosolids down the Toilet in Nashville

Those who read my post on the DEA demonizing doctors and people who use narcotic analgesics, will be happy to know that there is another bogus reason to give your pills to the cops. You will contaminate the city water system if you flush them down the toilet or throw them in the sink. Or, at least, that's what the cops and, sort of, the director of Metro Water says in Nashville, TN.

[Excuse me until I stop laughing.]

According to Scott Porter, head of the Metro water supply in Nashville Tennessee, he doesn't know whether prescription drugs are in the water supply, but you better stop flushing pills down the sink because it might contaminate Nashville's water supply and he is determined to "protect the watershed."

Of course, you have to turn your drugs over to the police, including birth control pills, so they can protect us from more non-existant problems by scare mongering. Those birth control addicts are dangerous.

This is patently ridiculous. Do people in Nashville drink waste water? Is the Metro water supply incapable of processing waste water, (AKA 'grey water'), so that it can be recycled to do things like water golf courses? Their website has a graphic showing how they process waste water, so they must do it. And the graphic doesn't show gray water going back into the drinking water. They can process 'biosolids', too. I have no idea what a 'biosolid' is, but something tells me it probably is... ...well, you get the idea. 

I definitely don't want biosolids in my drinking water.

Oh, and by the way, Nashville gets it's drinking water from reservoirs. It doesn't recycle non-potable water back into drinking water. So, technically, you could flush a couple of tons of "biosolids" and OxyContin into waste water and not endanger Nashville's water supply.

You will happy to know that the Tennessee Valley Authority is shocking fish in the reservoirs so that they float to the surface so they can  count them. Does the TVA run tox screens on these fish to find out if they are on birth control? Or, maybe, they watch for Bass stoned on OxyContin. You can tell a bass is high, if it just sort of lays there with his tongue lolling out.

Okay, so Nashville process gray water and biosolids. And neither go back into the city's water supply. Which comes from reservoirs. Not from your toilet or sink. I wonder how much OxyContin you would have to dump in Nashville's reservoir to get users high?

I can't see OxyContin users saying, "We're going to go fishing. While we at it, we're going to dump 3,000 pounds of OxyContin in the reservoir."

Perhaps they are afraid that people are going to start eating the grass to get high or as birth control while they are playing golf. If you see a bunch of stoners on the golf course next time you play, ask them if they looking for another form of "grass" or "weed" with birth control pills in it.

So, what we have here is, essentially, a non-existant problem. Not only is non-existant, it is patently ridiculous. I can just see the cops going into Mr. Porter's office:

"We would like you to say that prescription medicines flushed down the toilet will contaminate Nashville's drinking water," says the cop.

"But we don't recycle waste water into drinking water," says Mr. Porter.

"We don't care," says the cop, "We need to find another non-existent problem with which to victimize people who use prescription drugs and get them to give them to us. If we can't say we are saving them from contaminating the water supply, they will just keep their prescription drugs in their medicine cabinets and we will be marginalized and unimportant. The DHS won't give us any more money and we need the money to buy more toys to play with."

So, the director of the water supply makes a comment that he knows, or should know if he is in charge of Nashville's water supply, is patently false. And the Nashville Tennessean buys into it, hook, line and sinker. 

What's next, people grinding up their OxyContin and throwing it up in the air, getting birds and entire airliners full of people high...

I have to ask, does the paper shill for the cops like this in other areas?