Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keep your drugs out of the water supply... Don't Flush Your Biosolids down the Toilet in Nashville

Those who read my post on the DEA demonizing doctors and people who use narcotic analgesics, will be happy to know that there is another bogus reason to give your pills to the cops. You will contaminate the city water system if you flush them down the toilet or throw them in the sink. Or, at least, that's what the cops and, sort of, the director of Metro Water says in Nashville, TN.

[Excuse me until I stop laughing.]

According to Scott Porter, head of the Metro water supply in Nashville Tennessee, he doesn't know whether prescription drugs are in the water supply, but you better stop flushing pills down the sink because it might contaminate Nashville's water supply and he is determined to "protect the watershed."

Of course, you have to turn your drugs over to the police, including birth control pills, so they can protect us from more non-existant problems by scare mongering. Those birth control addicts are dangerous.

This is patently ridiculous. Do people in Nashville drink waste water? Is the Metro water supply incapable of processing waste water, (AKA 'grey water'), so that it can be recycled to do things like water golf courses? Their website has a graphic showing how they process waste water, so they must do it. And the graphic doesn't show gray water going back into the drinking water. They can process 'biosolids', too. I have no idea what a 'biosolid' is, but something tells me it probably is... ...well, you get the idea. 

I definitely don't want biosolids in my drinking water.

Oh, and by the way, Nashville gets it's drinking water from reservoirs. It doesn't recycle non-potable water back into drinking water. So, technically, you could flush a couple of tons of "biosolids" and OxyContin into waste water and not endanger Nashville's water supply.

You will happy to know that the Tennessee Valley Authority is shocking fish in the reservoirs so that they float to the surface so they can  count them. Does the TVA run tox screens on these fish to find out if they are on birth control? Or, maybe, they watch for Bass stoned on OxyContin. You can tell a bass is high, if it just sort of lays there with his tongue lolling out.

Okay, so Nashville process gray water and biosolids. And neither go back into the city's water supply. Which comes from reservoirs. Not from your toilet or sink. I wonder how much OxyContin you would have to dump in Nashville's reservoir to get users high?

I can't see OxyContin users saying, "We're going to go fishing. While we at it, we're going to dump 3,000 pounds of OxyContin in the reservoir."

Perhaps they are afraid that people are going to start eating the grass to get high or as birth control while they are playing golf. If you see a bunch of stoners on the golf course next time you play, ask them if they looking for another form of "grass" or "weed" with birth control pills in it.

So, what we have here is, essentially, a non-existant problem. Not only is non-existant, it is patently ridiculous. I can just see the cops going into Mr. Porter's office:

"We would like you to say that prescription medicines flushed down the toilet will contaminate Nashville's drinking water," says the cop.

"But we don't recycle waste water into drinking water," says Mr. Porter.

"We don't care," says the cop, "We need to find another non-existent problem with which to victimize people who use prescription drugs and get them to give them to us. If we can't say we are saving them from contaminating the water supply, they will just keep their prescription drugs in their medicine cabinets and we will be marginalized and unimportant. The DHS won't give us any more money and we need the money to buy more toys to play with."

So, the director of the water supply makes a comment that he knows, or should know if he is in charge of Nashville's water supply, is patently false. And the Nashville Tennessean buys into it, hook, line and sinker. 

What's next, people grinding up their OxyContin and throwing it up in the air, getting birds and entire airliners full of people high...

I have to ask, does the paper shill for the cops like this in other areas? 

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