Sunday, May 1, 2011

Predator UAV didn't get Osama Bin Laden

Update: 01MAY11 @ 2320 hrs. 

Obama must have made his speech, because more details are coming out about Bin Laden's death. Allegedly, Osama was croaked by a team of Special Forces in Pakistan, (you know, the Laos of Central Asia that we aren't invading). Obama said that Bin Laden was shot in the head.

Swampland reports: Osama Bin Laden Killed; Obama Hails Moment of "Justice". Swampland? I never heard of it, but, apparently, it's part of Time magazine.

Time magazine led with: Death Comes For the Master Terrorist  (1957 – 2011). Time said that Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Time has what it calls "new" photographs of Bin Laden. They look a lot like the "old" photographs of Bin Laden.

ABC News leads with Osama Bin Laden Operation Months in Making. ABC reported that Obama said Bin Laden's death was a "...major milestone in the war against Al Qaeda" and "...justice for the families of the... ..victims of the September 11 attacks."

Fox News leads with Usama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan. "Special Ops" sounds really tough doesn't it?

The BBC led with Al-Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden Dead - Barack Obama.

If you can read only one of these articles, read the BBC report.

These reports don't say much about Bin Laden's death, other than he was killed by Special Forces. And that Bin Laden's body was being handled so as to not violate any Muslim burial customs. Why are we doing this? We killed him. If they aren't upset that we killed him, how come they would get upset if we didn't follow Muslin burial customs?

News organizations did say we had Bin Laden's body and they are trying to confirm it is really Bin Laden by DNA analysis. See how convincing my last post was? They are doing exactly what I said to do.. 

Where would they get DNA to compare it to? Has Bin Laden's hairbrush been hiding somewhere in the Library of Congress or the National Archives, perhaps right next to Kennedy's brain?

Even George Bush was happy. Although, I will bet he choked on the words.

But, all is not lost. The War on Terror will still go on. The State Department warned all embassies to prepare for possible retaliation from people who are upset by the killing.

So, Raytheon gets to sell the US a bunch more cruise missiles at $1 million dollars apiece. And KBR will still get to build Subway Sandwich and Burger Kings restaurants in Afghanistan.

If Bin Laden was the mastermind of Al Qaeda, how can they attack after he gets killed? Is it possible that Bin Laden is no longer important? That we just killed a guy who has been hiding in a cave for the last ten years? At best, Bin Laden had more use as an icon for the War on Terror.

I am sorry, but I really don't think this will do anything but improve Obama's approval ratings. I would imagine he hopes that voters will remember this when they go to vote for a president in 2012.

It is the only significant event in Obama's presidency since the Affordable Care Act. Kind of ironic that he won the Nobel Peace Prize and he's done nothing but escalate the war in Afghanistan, keep 50,000 troops in Iraq and is trying to start another war in Libya.

Excuse me, but I am not that impressed. I will be impressed when the MIC, the National Security State and Police State all go away. And everyone is released from Gitmo. And we get all the civil rights back that this war has erased.

In other words, this is symbolic, with no real importance

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